Extensive study and research has gone into the Natural Pet product which has been uniquely formulated to meet all your pet’s requirements. All the ingredients in our product are 100% raw (See ‘Our Product’ tab). We use free-range poultry, mutton and beef and try to use organic fruit, vegetables and herbs when available. This is then minced and mixed into convenient 1kg packets. This offers your dog a complete and balanced meal and follows the raw diet ethos that more and more people are turning to as a healthier and more natural option than pellets.
Choosing the Right Raw Diet
Raw feeding has gained in popularity over the past few years. When choosing a raw diet for your pet, insist that your supplier specifies the ingredients that are used. Or, if you decide to make your own raw food diet, ensure that it is balanced. An unbalanced meal deprives pets of essential minerals and vitamins that it requires to keep healthy and strong. Beware of unscrupulous suppliers that use low grade ingredients (not fit for human consumption) and/or “water” their product down (literally) to make their prices cheap. Some also use meat by-products which act as fillers. Google “Pink slime” and “White slime” also called mechanically deboned meat (MDM) and mechanically recovered/reclaimed meat (MRM)
Your pet needs to be fed a variety of healthy ingredients which include muscle and organ meat, fat, bone, sinew, fruit and vegetables. Proportions are vital too. Using too much liver, for example, can actually be dangerous and result in hypervitaminosis A, or an overdose of vitamin A.
Mixing Animal Proteins
Recent research by many raw food experts insist that one animal protein is insufficient for your dog. To obtain optimal nutrition one must feed at least two animal proteins. For this reason we have combined beef and mutton to our chicken mix to meet all your pet’s essential dietary requirements.
My Story
When I first brought my Doberman puppy, Spock, home, I intended to feed him healthy, natural food i.e. meat, fruit and vegetables. However a friend of mine, who is connected to many dog clubs in Cape Town, and who I regarded as a reliable source of knowledge on pet nutrition, said that initially, while he is still a puppy, I should feed him pellets.
I followed his advice but I quickly noticed that his stools were soft and he was drinking water excessively. I had read many horror stories of canine illnesses linked to a kibble (pellets) diet and it made sense – as it is not a “natural” food! I began feeding him cooked chicken, rice and a bit of vegetables, but it was time consuming to prepare every day and quite costly.
Then a friend told me about the “BARF®” diet (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food). It combines meat, bone, organ meat, vegetables and fruit, all served raw! From day one, Spock loved it and gobbled it down without leaving a morsel in his bowl. His stools became firm and he drank normally. He has been on the diet since 2010.
The direct results of feeding raw are astonishing; his coat is shiny, he is healthy, full of energy and happy.
This has inspired me to make Natural Pet, my own brand of raw dog food to share with others. You too can have a happy and healthy pet!
I have always been averse to major dog food manufacturers churning out units in massive factories where there is little or no personal interaction with the product. As a result, I have ensured that I am always personally involved in the production process. This guarantees hygiene and freshness, as well as highlighting areas where we can improve Natural Pet.

Healthy dog feeding on barf raw meat diet